Posts in sweets
4-Ingredient Protein Bars

Who’s not guilty of having 3-5 half-eaten protein bars in their purse, gym bag, or work bag at all times? Going to the grocery store to buy a protein bar is a daunting task, full of confusion, marketing buzzwords, and empty nutrition. Protein is the most important macronutrient, providing you with amino acids, the building blocks of life, supporting bone health, muscle mass, healthy hair growth, gut health, a strong immune system, and so much more. Protein is also the most satiating macronutrient, supporting your weight-loss journey. Now you can make your protein bars, save money, know that you’re eating clean ingredients, and personalize the extras just for you!

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Cookie Dough Protein Pudding

Enjoy this Cookie Dough Protein Pudding with zero guilt. Using a high-quality protein powder, I used Drink Wholesom’s Vanilla Egg White protein powder, or use one of your choosing, to make this creamy, satisfying, sugar-free protein pudding to enjoy pre-workout or after dinner. A couple of spoonfuls is all it takes to feel nourished. Using a high-quality protein powder is essential to good health, and an easy way to take in more protein with ease. This protein pudding comes together very quickly, using ingredients you have at home.

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sweetsJill Foos
Mocha Protein Fudge

Enjoy this nugget of power, fueled with protein powder, almond butter, and monkfruit. These Mocha Protein Fudge bites are chewy like caramel, with a mocha taste, and a hint of cocoa, and are sugar-free. As you age, especially if you are a midlife, menopausal woman, increasing your protein intake daily is essential for optimal health. These protein fudge bites are easy to make.

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sweetsJill Foos
Low-Carb Cherry Ice Cream

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I created this nutritious, Low-Carb Cherry Ice-Cream recipe for my mom, a breast cancer survivor, and all the women who have been affected by this disease. Tart cherries bring a high amount of flavonoids, or anti-oxidants, to the table to possibly help mitigate musculoskeletal pain often associated with cancer treatments (studies are currently being looked at). Healthy fats support the integrity of the myelin sheath around every cell in our body, it benefits our brain health and helps us feel more satiated.

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Sugar-Free Chocolate Sorbet

When the heat is on the outside, who wouldn’t want a cold treat? Now, you can have something decadent and healthy. This healthy, Sugar-Free Chocolate Sorbet recipe is divine. I use allulose in all of my frozen desserts because it keeps the texture from becoming hard as a brick and icy. Allulose also is great because it doesn’t elicit an insulin spike, and keeping our insulin low and steady is crucial to good health.

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Low-Carb Coconut Ice Cream

What if you could eat ice cream that actually had real, nutritional health benefits? My Low-Carb Coconut Ice Cream recipe is full of healthy fats and flavor. I use full-fat, canned coconut milk for the dairy-free base, organic, pasture-raised egg yolks, and allulose for a hint of sweetness. Use heavy whipping cream for an animal-based version. Allulose is a healthy low-calorie, alternative to sugar. It doesn’t affect blood glucose levels, making it ideal for people with insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. It also helps keep this ice cream smooth and creamy, unlike other sweeteners that can leave an icy consistency.

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Whipped Coconut Cream

If you are dairy-free and looking for an alternative to whipped cream, look no further. This Whipped Coconut Cream recipe is sugar-free, low-carb, easy to make, and versatile. Using the white coconut meat from full-fat, canned coconut creates a healthy dessert topping. Coconut is high in fiber and a healthy source of fat that is part of the equation to feeling satiated. Healthy fats help us stabilize blood glucose levels, build the myelin sheath around our cells, make our hormones, and promotes gut and brain health.

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Low-Carb High Protein Cake

When you’re on an animal-based diet, you try to figure out ways to bring back some recipes you had in a previous life. One of those for me was a basic cake. I have 5 kids, and the thought of not baking a cake that suits all of our needs, and tastes great, was not something I was ready to give up on. Yes, my 5 kids are all animal-based, and we all prioritize eating protein everyday. Most people, especially women, under-eat protein. Every cell in our body needs protein, as well as our tissues and bones. Building lean muscle is crucial to your overall health and longevity. This Low-Carb High Protein Cake recipe fits the bill on all levels. It’s made with all animal-based ingredients, such as eggs, and egg white powder. The texture is that of white fluffy cake you’d expect from a boxed cake. It’s taste is light and delicate and will pair with any flavors you choose to dress it up. I prefer using whipped coconut cream or homemade whipped cream with fresh berries, but I’ve also layered it with sugar-free chocolate ganache.

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Grain-Free Chocolate Chip-Macadamia Nut Cookies

This delicious grain-free Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookie recipe is so easy to make, free of grains and sugar. If your health journey includes the occasional treat, this cookie recipe is for you. Using grain-free almond flour as the base lends a denser mouthfeel with bits of sugar-free dark chocolate and chopped macadamia nuts, adding more healthy fats to each cookie. Healthy fats help us feel more satiated for longer, which helps us stabilize blood glucose levels, avoid grazing or snacking all day, and supports brain health.

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Paleo Summer Berry Cobbler

Summer is upon us and so are outdoor gatherings, BBQ's and delicious berries. Local farmer's markets are a great place to pick up organic berries, which means you won't be taking in more environmental toxins. Toxins breakdown our immune system, inhibit proper detoxification and affect our hormonal balance. My Paleo Summer Berry Cobbler is a healthy, grain-free dessert made for all gatherings.

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Low-Carb Coconut Flour Brownies

This Low-Carb Coconut Flour Brownie recipe is moist, delicious and made from whole food, natural ingredients that are sugar-free, grain-free and dairy-free. Coconut flour benefits include fiber and MCT's, or medium chain triglycerides. Because of coconut flour's higher fat content, people who eat a low-carb or ketogenic lifestyle feel more full and satiated, which helps to maintain weight loss. Eating more healthy fats and proteins nourish our body far more than carbohydrates. Using a sweetener that does not promote insulin spikes is crucial when looking to manage our blood glucose levels. This healthy Coconut Flour Recipe is easy to make, a crowd-pleaser and will keep you on your health journey.

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Lemon Curd Meringue Roulade

Freshly made lemon curd trumps the jarred version any day. This seemingly difficult dessert is made easy with this healthy, sugar-free version. Using this lemon-curd recipe makes for a delicious filling in my meringue roulade base made from fresh organic egg whites and topped with organic heavy whipping cream or whipped coconut cream making it dairy-free. Low-carb recipes are key for weight loss. Sugar spikes insulin levels and over time that will create multiple metabolic health challenges, such as a growing waist to hip ratio, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels and chronic inflammation. Learning to cook using no sugar or sugar substitutes, like monk-fruit, stevia and erythritol will help you win the war on obesity.

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Egg Yolk Walnut Cookies

Eggs are one of nature’s perfect foods, especially the egg yolks. No reason to fear this golden yellow delicacy as it’s full of healthy fats, nutrients and it makes everything taste better. These healthy cookies are not too sweet, low-carb and satisfying. Egg yolks contain choline, an essential nutrient we can make in our liver, but we still need more. Choline supports our liver function by moving fat and cholesterol out, brain function, nervous system and muscle movement. One egg contains 115 mg of choline and it’s recommended that we get anywhere between 425-550mg per day as an adult. What better way to get more egg yolks in you than eating a nutritious cookie?

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Meringue Roulade

Meringe roulade is one of the easiest and delicious desserts to make. This meringue roulade recipe is filled with healthy fats, protein and add fresh berries for some low-glycemic carbs. Pasture-raised, organic egg whites are a clean source of protein, helping your body build and maintain muscle and support cellular health. The whipped cream options provide ample amounts of healthy fats for fuel.

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Berry Thumbprint Cookies

A healthy twist on a classic cookie can be part of a nutritious diet plan on special days. My paleo Berry Thumbprint Cookies are grain-free, dairy-free and sugar-free, yet delicious and satisfying. Using healthy fats like ghee or grass-fed butter help digestion, brain health and keep you feeling nourished. Chia seed berry jam is a healthy alternative and help keep your blood sugar levels stable.

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Low-Carb Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Blondies

My Low-Carb Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Blondie recipe is easy to make and offers you a healthier alternative to dessert. Coconut flour is a gluten-free, grain-free, low-carb and nutritious ingredient to use for baking. Coconut flour contains fiber and MCT's (medium chain triglycerides), making it beneficial to both gut and brain health. The higher fiber content supports a stable blood glucose level throughout the day and you’ll feel more satiated after enjoying just one due its higher fat content.

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Grain-Free Coconut Flour Cookies

My Grain-Free Coconut Cookie recipe does not require any special holiday for baking them. They’re crisp, light and full of nutty coconut flavor. Coconut flour is made from the dried coconut meat after the meat has been squeezed for it’s milk. Using coconut flour is a tasty and nutritious way to bake on a low-carb diet. Coconut flour is full of fiber (aiding in stabilizing blood glucose levels), protein and MCT’s, or medium-chain triglycerides, which are a type of healthy fat that our brain and heart benefit from. Coconut flour has a high absorption rate that requires one egg per 1/4 cup of flour- it’s not a 1-1 swap with regular flours. The icing is light, yet sweet from using a low-carb friendly sweetener which will not impact your insulin levels, making this a delicious treat for those watching their carbohydrate intake. Add some dye-free sprinkles on top for a pop of color.

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sweetsKristin Smith
Dairy-Free Chocolate Fondue

Chocolate fondue was a childhood favorite of mine. Now, with some healthy upgrades, I’ve brought this Dairy-Free Chocolate Fondue recipe to my kids with better-for-you nutrition. We now have access to some incredible sugar-free chocolate brands widely available and they make a difference to our health. By replacing pro-inflammatory sugar with monk fruit, erythritol or stevia, we can better control our blood glucose levels. And, they taste great. While a small amount of people may not be able to tolerate these sweeteners, most people are able to enjoy chocolate desserts without all of the sugar. I chose to mix both dairy-free semi and dark chocolate morsels to create a more balanced flavor. Over 75% of people worldwide are sensitive to dairy and this Chocolate Fondue Recipe is completely dairy-free. Using creamy, full-fat coconut milk creates a decadent texture and taste, but any dairy-free milk will work just fine. Cocoa powder is known for its anti-oxidant plant derived compounds, polyphenols. These polyphenols have health benefits such as fighting off oxidative stress on a cellular level.

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Low-Carb Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

Occasions deserve the occasional treat and my Low-Carb Vanilla Buttercream Frosting recipe is just that. A guilt-free and decadent cupcake filled with healthy fats, like coconut cream. Coconut cream has almost zero net carbs and contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid that can help with weight loss and improve brain function. Because of the higher amounts of saturated fat, coconut cream is very satiating, helping you to feel fuller longer. Coconut cream is also delicious, keeping this cupcake moist. Using a low to zero carb sweetener helps to maintain a more stable blood sugar level.

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Low-Carb Vanilla Cupcakes

My Low-Carb Vanilla Cupcakes are the perfect healthified treat for that occasional celebration. Their made with grain-free flours, low-carb sweetener and full-fat coconut cream that will keep you satiated for longer and help you maintain more stable blood glucose levels. Coconut cream keeps this cupcake recipe dairy-free, but feel free to swap in heavy whipping cream, or goats milk for a more animal-based nutrition approach.

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