Posts tagged chocolate
Low-Carb Coconut Flour Brownies

This Low-Carb Coconut Flour Brownie recipe is moist, delicious and made from whole food, natural ingredients that are sugar-free, grain-free and dairy-free. Coconut flour benefits include fiber and MCT's, or medium chain triglycerides. Because of coconut flour's higher fat content, people who eat a low-carb or ketogenic lifestyle feel more full and satiated, which helps to maintain weight loss. Eating more healthy fats and proteins nourish our body far more than carbohydrates. Using a sweetener that does not promote insulin spikes is crucial when looking to manage our blood glucose levels. This healthy Coconut Flour Recipe is easy to make, a crowd-pleaser and will keep you on your health journey.

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Low-Carb Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Blondies

My Low-Carb Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Blondie recipe is easy to make and offers you a healthier alternative to dessert. Coconut flour is a gluten-free, grain-free, low-carb and nutritious ingredient to use for baking. Coconut flour contains fiber and MCT's (medium chain triglycerides), making it beneficial to both gut and brain health. The higher fiber content supports a stable blood glucose level throughout the day and you’ll feel more satiated after enjoying just one due its higher fat content.

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Dairy-Free Chocolate Fondue

Chocolate fondue was a childhood favorite of mine. Now, with some healthy upgrades, I’ve brought this Dairy-Free Chocolate Fondue recipe to my kids with better-for-you nutrition. We now have access to some incredible sugar-free chocolate brands widely available and they make a difference to our health. By replacing pro-inflammatory sugar with monk fruit, erythritol or stevia, we can better control our blood glucose levels. And, they taste great. While a small amount of people may not be able to tolerate these sweeteners, most people are able to enjoy chocolate desserts without all of the sugar. I chose to mix both dairy-free semi and dark chocolate morsels to create a more balanced flavor. Over 75% of people worldwide are sensitive to dairy and this Chocolate Fondue Recipe is completely dairy-free. Using creamy, full-fat coconut milk creates a decadent texture and taste, but any dairy-free milk will work just fine. Cocoa powder is known for its anti-oxidant plant derived compounds, polyphenols. These polyphenols have health benefits such as fighting off oxidative stress on a cellular level.

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Paleo Chocolate Chip Tahini Cookies

This Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe is a delicious and healthy upgrade from a regular chocolate chip cookie. My cookie recipe features tahini, a ground sesame seed paste. Often used in savory recipes, I like to use this creamy seed butter in desserts. Tahini contains ALA’s (alpha-linolenic acid), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is good for supporting heart health. Healthy fats keep us satiated so we don’t keep grabbing for more foods, helping us control our blood sugar levels. Tahini’s glycemic load is zero. Glycemic load takes into account the serving size of a given food to estimate its impact on your blood sugar. Tahini also contains a nice amount of protein, thiamin and vitamin B6, all great for overall health and increased energy.

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Paleo Tahini Brownies

The star of these deliciously moist brownies is Tahini, a paste made from ground sesame seeds. This Paleo Tahini Brownie recipe is a one-bowl wonder with nutritious benefits. Tahini contains ALA’s (alpha-linolenic acid), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is good for supporting heart health. Healthy fats keep us satiated so we don’t keep grabbing for more foods, helping us control our blood sugar levels. Tahini’s glycemic load is zero. Glycemic load takes into account the serving size of a given food to estimate its impact on your blood sugar. I love that these Paleo Tahini Brownies contain zero flours, including nut/seed flours, making these even lower in calories and carbs.

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Dark Chocolate Ganache

Dark chocolate is full of healthy polyphenols, a delicious way to eat more anti-oxidant loaded foods. Anti-oxidants fight off free radicals and help to reduce overall inflammation in our bodies. Pair dark chocolate with coconut milk, full of medium chain triglycerides (MCT’s) and you have a smooth, creamy, healthy and nutritious ganache to serve. Our brains love MCT’s and thrive on healthy fats, using them as a source of energy. Eat this on a spoon, on a healthy, grain-free cookie or spread on fresh fruit for a healthy dessert.

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