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Health Coach Services

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Health Coach Packages

Jill believes that every individual has a unique health equation waiting to be discovered about themselves. When looking at how to best optimize overall health and wellness, lifestyle intervention is the first line of defense. Jill dives deep into nutrition, sleep, stress, and exercise with each of her clients, taking into consideration their current health status, short-term and long-term health goals, and home, family, and work life. The second line of defense is personalizing her client's supplementation protocol. By collecting more information about her client, Jill is able to utilize that information to help support her client to pivot towards a more beneficial direction on their health journey that promotes optimization and longevity. She educates and supports her clients to gather more comprehensive lab work with their doctor, and looks at their genetics, and micronutrient status inside their cells, to determine which supplements to take. Jill strongly believes in the phrase “test, don’t guess”.

Jill offers 3 distinct packages to achieve your health and wellness goals, in addition to a wide range of knowledge and expertise in functional medicine, nutritional strategies, and integrative health practices. Get in touch with any questions, and to create a plan that is right for you.


Hair Loss

The Hair Loss Package is for both women and men, focusing on lifestyle interventions, hair loss and inflammation genes, and personalizing a supplement protocol to correct nutrient deficiencies on a cellular level to support healthy hair growth. 


The Menopause Package supports mid-life women with hormonal imbalances, menopausal symptoms, such as weight gain, disrupted sleep, brain function, changes in mood and low libido, and nutrition, by looking at genes, micronutrient status, and advanced labs.

General Health Coaching Package

The General Health Coaching Package is for anyone looking to optimize their health and wellness by looking at comprehensive labs, genetic variations, and cellular function, in order to pivot their lifestyle towards a path that is personalized, realistic, and attainable.