Saturated Fats and Cholesterol with Dr. Jack Wolfson, MD - #8

Is saturated fat and cholesterol the enemy? With so much misleading information about heart disease swirling around the internet based on a 1950’s nutritional approach, many people are terrified to make a move away from their traditional doctors antiquated advice and open up their minds to the current medical research. Heart disease is still the number one killer, taking 655,000 lives each year.

Dr. Jack Wolfson MD, the Paleo Cardiologist, has spent over 20 years helping people prevent and reverse cardiovascular diseases. He turned to functional medicine where he developed holistic ways to support his clients. Using nutrition, stress management, sunshine and exercise as the foundation of his approach, he has been successful at helping his patients avoid long-term wellness without the use of pharmaceuticals.

In this podcast episode, we discuss what steps to take, what lifestyle changes to make and the best foods to eat to support heart health.

To receive a free copy of his book, The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way To Heart Health, an Amazon #1 bestseller, visit: - You will have to pay for shipping, but the book is free!

To reach Dr. Jack:

480-535-6844 (Paradise Valley, AZ)

FB & Instagram: Wolfson Integrative Cardiology

By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice or for making any lifestyle changes to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer also applies to any of my guests on my podcast.

Kristin Smith