Optimized Midlife Exercising - #41

How would you like to be ripped in your 50’s and 60’s? Why not? Who says it’s too late? I’m 54 years old, in menopause, and look and feel better now than I did when I was in college. How is that even possible? A lot of work, daily dedication to my vision, and figuring out my optimal lifestyle, which includes nutrition, supplements, bioidentical hormone therapy, restorative sleep, stress management, and, yes, lifting heavy weights multiple times per week. It’s a full-time job staying in shape, but the rewards are incredible. My clothes fit me better, I look better naked, I have a solid libido, and I feel great. But, it’s not just vanity I’m going after, it’s also about what’s going on under the hood. Lean muscle mass is our longevity organ and brings a lot to the table.

Lean muscle mass increases your BMR (Basal Metabolic rate), meaning that you burn more calories all day, it helps you burn stored fat every day, it reduces your risk for injury or falling, it improves your bone density (and during menopause that should be a huge concern for you ladies), it improves your blood glucose control and insulin sensitivity, it increases your mobility, your strength, and supports heart and brain health.

One of the biggest challenges my clients face is getting to a gym, or creating a home-gym, where they can lift heavy and build lean muscle mass. They make time to walk 20 minutes a day, they ride their bikes around the neighborhood, or they gravitate towards a treadmill or step machine. I’m all for moving, and I’m all for finding that form of exercise that you love, because then you’ll enjoy doing it. The science speaks and weight training, or resistance training, is the best form of exercise you can engage in for overall health, hands down.

I’m not a certified fitness trainer, but as a health coach, I work with my clients to figure out what is blocking them from participating in this form of exercise. Do they have an old injury that they need to tend to? Do they feel tired and unmotivated? Do they struggle with finding the time to carve out muscle-building workouts?

Whatever the reason is, there’s a way to get back into it without fear of injury, without fear of exhaustion, and without fear of messing up their daily schedule.  

David Lawrence is the CEO of MECA, Michigan Elite Conditioning for Athletes. He’s also the Head of Education for the Poliquin Group. David is going to help you better understand how to optimize your exercise routine during middle age, with fitness and nutrition, how to get back in the game, how to enter the game if you’ve never lifted before, and how to maintain your routine week after week without getting bored.

Find more about MECA here:

website: https://www.mecastrong.com/

fb: https://www.facebook.com/Michigan-Elite-Conditioning-for-Athletes-256934664359699/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/mecastrong/

twitter: https://twitter.com/MECAstrong


Medical Disclaimer:

By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice or for making any lifestyle changes to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having.  This entire disclaimer also applies to any of my guests on my podcast.

Kristin Smith