Hair Loss Journey-Part 2 - #49

In Part 2, I share my ongoing personal journey of hair loss and hair growth. After a year of amazing hair growth, and very little hair shedding, I made one change that triggered a massive shedding, bringing me back to where I was over a year ago. With my oldest son's wedding in six months, I decided to try two newer modalities on the market and am sharing my experience with you.

When working with my clients on their hair growth journeys, as well as my own, I work with three buckets: lifestyle interventions, personalized supplement protocol, and a medical component with a well-versed doctor in hair loss. When my massive shedding started again due to my one change, I knew I'd be able to grow my hair back because of my healthy foundation and personalized approach to diet and supplements.

Listen in on my continuing journey and learn from my mistake, my wins, and the daily routine that will be with me forever...if I want a great head of curls, that is.


Alma TED:

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Jill Foos