Emotional Eating, Mindset and Lifestyle Changes with Dr. Sandi Scheinbaum - #1

Emotional eating causes stress and stress causes emotional eating. It’s a vicious cycle that permeates our mind and body and can lead to much more serious health problems, such as obesity, other eating disorders, insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and increased toxicity. No one is emotional eating fruit, veggies, healthy fats, and proteins. Emotional eaters gravitate towards processed junk food, foods with empty calories and low to no nutrition. In this podcast, Dr. Sandi and I break down what emotional eating is, possible triggers, the physiological happenings in your body during stress, and why that causes that irresistible drive for sugary foods. We break down steps to take to make lifelong, healthy changes that target your WHY and health goals.

By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice or for making any lifestyle changes to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer also applies to any of my guests on my podcast.

Kristin Smith