Are Your Cells Healthy? - #23

Have you ever wondered why you have lingering health issues? Or, thought that you were doing everything right for your health, following doctors orders, eating whole foods, exercising, working on your sleep routine, taking your supplements like clockwork, yet still not achieving your health goals? Introducing micronutrient testing. Spectracell Laboratories developed one of the most comprehensive tests that looks at the efficacy of your cellular health. Nichole Herms, Marketing & Medical Publications Researcher at Spectracell Labs, joined me to talk about their flagship test, why it’s an important piece of one’s health equation puzzle and how it works.

SpectraCell is a CLIA accredited laboratory that offers a proprietary blood test to healthcare providers and consumers nationwide.  CLIA stands for “Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments” and regulates laboratory testing and requires clinical laboratories to be certified by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) before they can accept human samples for diagnostic testing.

The Spectracell test, also known as a MicroNutrient Test, is a comprehensive assessment of a patient’s nutritional status at the cellular level. Unlike traditional serum, hair and urine tests, SpectraCell’s micronutrient testing measures how an individual’s white blood cells function in specific nutritional environments. As a result, individual differences in metabolism, age, genetics, health, prescription drug usage, absorption rate and other factors are taken into consideration when assessing cellular nutritional status.

I’m a huge supporter of testing and tracking as many aspects of our health as possible. Finding out as much information as we can on how our body is working, or not working, in relation to our genetics, our bloodwork, our cellular functioning, our nutrition and brain and heart health and more is essential to finding out our unique health equation. In the current conventional medicine paradigm, we are not exposed to such options and, thus, may not find out the precise individual treatment we would benefit from. If you are one of those people who’s been dealing with multiple health issues for years, seen multiple doctors to help you and have tried layers of pharmaceuticals, diets, and supplements with not much improvement, this is the podcast for you. One of my favorite tests is the micronutrient test from Spectracell and I want all of you to understand exactly how this information fits into your overall health and wellness. We also talked about some of the other unique tests they offer and how these fit it your journey as well.

To learn more about Spectracell Laboratories:






By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice or for making any lifestyle changes to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer also applies to any of my guests on my podcast.

Kristin Smith