Optimize Your Post-Menopause Journey

Post-menopause is a significant time for women to reassess their lifestyle choices to promote longevity and maintain a high quality of life. Women will be post-menopausal for a third of their life. While many women may still have symptoms to deal with, such as hot flashes, weight gain, low libido, genitourinary symptoms, and poor sleep, other women feel a sense of newfound freedom, calm, and confidence. Every woman’s journey is different yet all women need to consider lifestyle changes to support brain and heart health, metabolic health, bone health, strength, power, mobility, and restorative sleep. Here are the top five recommended lifestyle changes, supported by scientific evidence:

  1. Maintain a Nutritious Diet and Prioritize Protein: Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help manage weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and support overall health. A Mediterranean-style diet, in particular, is beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which become more prevalent after menopause. Midlife women require more protein to support growing lean muscle mass, a strong immune system, bone strength, and more. Learn more about increasing your protein here.

  2. Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Regular exercise, including both aerobic and strength-training activities, is crucial for preventing weight gain, strengthening bones, reducing the risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes, and improving mood and cognitive function. Aim for 2-4 days per week of strength training and 2-3 days per week of cardio high-intensity interval training, along with active recovery days and mind-body types of movement. Move daily and seek help in areas where you are just beginning to explore.

  3. Prioritize Sleep: Good sleep is essential for overall health and helps to regulate mood, improve brain function, and reduce the risk of obesity and chronic diseases. Learn strategies to better sleep.

  4. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can have significant health impacts, including increasing the risk of heart disease and affecting mental health. Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, pilates, thai chi, and regular social interactions are effective ways to manage stress. Learn more about managing your stress here.

  5. Regular Health Screenings: Post-menopausal women should keep regular appointments for health screenings such as mammograms, bone density tests (DEXA), comprehensive, advanced blood work, and blood pressure monitoring to catch and manage potential health issues early. Learn how to maximize your healthcare team here.

These lifestyle changes are not only beneficial for extending life expectancy but also for improving the quality of life during the post-menopausal years. Avoid nursing home living by starting your longevity journey today.


PMID: 29897866

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Jill Foos